For Marine Service Providers

This specialist covers provide insurance for liabilities towards contractual or third parties such as for loss of or damage
to cargo or equipment, or arising from errors and omissions.  As well your own business may be effected by breakdown
of machinery and the resulting financial loss against which this covers are a protection.
We offer to place the following insurance policies:

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional indemnity insurance provides cover for losses incurred by your customers as a result of your negligence or error and omission. This may also relate to claims for subcontracted services for which you acted as agent, representative or lead contractor.

Business Interruption Insurance

Business Interruption Insurance

A business interruption policy covers the financial loss following an incident not allowing continuing your core business. Not-earned profits can also be insured as running expenses and additional costs for e.g. temporary location. It is usually linked to a property damage cover.

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial Property Insurance

Commercial property insurance covers damage to or loss of your company’s physical assets by fire, explosions, burst pipes, storms, theft and vandalism. Risks as earthquakes and floods may be added to the policy.

Port & Terminal Operator Insurance

Port & Terminal Operator Insurance

Port & Terminal Operator Liability products cover specifically liability exposure of service providers such as liabilities for loss of or damage to cargo or equipment, arising from errors and omissions, for fines, or for wreck removal. As the risks are complex, diverse and may differ from company to company we can provide tailor-made solutions.

Cyber Crime

Cyber Crime

The Cyber Crime cover is a combination of a commercial crime (or fidelity) and a cyber insurance. This policy covers financial losses due to theft, social engineering, extortion demands and the use of ransomware, network compromise as well as data breach. And costs incurred on defence and in mitigiation of loss are reimbursed.



You haven’t found a solution for your situation or the cover you were looking for? We are happy to discuss your needs and arrange the cover you require in one of the several markets we have access to. Amongst others, we can offer Cyber Risks and Crime insurances.

To find out more about an insurance services or send an inquiry, please contact us.